Sawyer, Grayson and Daddy

Here's a couple of my favorite shots from when I shot the Cox family. Saywer was having a great time on the Slip n' Slide. So was dad!


Ok one more of Gavin, here he's doing his best Derick Zoolander impression.

Gavin Jack

Seeing that I mentioned my son Gavin, I figured I needed to post a photo. This ones a little old but it's his first time eating cake on his birthday. One of my favorite shots from his birthday.


Meet Etta, what a doll!! Etta's the best friend of my son, Gavin. My wife, Amy, and Etta's mommy, Carrie, have been friends since High School. And James, Etta's daddy, and I played in a band for 6 years. Gavin is only about a month older than Etta and guess what, their both gonna have little brothers or sisters very shortly too. They're destined to buddies for life.


Here is a family shoot that I took last fall. We went to a park so the youngest daughter could play but everyone got in on the act and had a good time. Ashley, you rock!!

April and Chad

Congratulations April and Chad!

This was such a fun wedding. It was a beautiful day and all the ladies were just as beautiful. April and Chad, you were such a joy to work with. You made the day go by so fast. The Union Depot in St. Paul was a great place for the ceremony and reception. Its huge, but somehow fit the wedding perfectly.

Thanks again for letting me be part of your day!


Catching up a bit as this is a new blog. Here's a shoot I did back in the fall. I just let the kids be kids and play on the swings, then mom jumped in for a few shots. They bought some 16x20 framed prints of these collages to hang on the wall.

Family Photos

Recently I had a shoot of a family in their home. It was for Grandma's birthday so all of the grandkids got together for a group shot. Good in theory, but getting these cousins together gets dangerous! It worked fine and I got the shots they were looking for, but I was lucky to get out of there with my life!!