I shot Amanda and Joe's engagement photos downtown this past summer. To put it nicely, Joe was not fond of the camera. We got some good shots but Joe was about as comfortable as a duck on the opener.
They didn't want to see each other before the ceremony so most of the group shots were done afterward. But we had to be out of the church by 4:45 for mass. That left us with about 30 minutes for all of the wedding party and family photos. Boy did we fly. I hope everyone understood that speed was the key word here and didn't get offended by me herding them in and out of the photos. ;)
Overall it was a great day and we got some great shots. And hopefully Mick won't get in trouble from the big guy upstairs for his portrayal of a minister!
Special thanks to Wade from Camelot for second shooting with me.
So, everyone is on me to get photos of my kids online. My wife, my mother, my in-laws, my friends, my wife's friends, even my day care lady. Problem is, I'm working on everyone else's photos and don't have time to put my own family's photos up.
Well, enoughs enough. Here's a few shots we got with the kids in their Thanksgiving best. And as you can see, Gavin isn't much of a fan of photos (he's tired of having the camera in his face), but he especially doesn't like to sit next to his sister.
I first met Kelsey two years ago when shooting Jamie and Aaron's wedding up at Edinburgh USA. Kelsey was one of Jamie's personal attendants. I was glad to hear that she liked their photos and wanted me to shoot her wedding as well. After all, referrals are a huge part of my business' success.
Kelsey and Luke were fantastic to work with. They didn't want to see each other prior to the wedding, which is totally fine, so we shot a bunch of photos separate before and shot the big group photos and family stuff after at a nearby park.
We had a nice day, but it was bit on the cold side for the girls. I still have the image in my mind of Jamie jogging in place out on that dock while I switched lenses.I was just waiting for her to stick a heel through the cracks and tumble to the ground. Thankfully disaster was averted.
Kelsey was a beautiful bride and the photos turned out stunning. She and Luke make a great couple and you better believe they'll make the cut to go in my portfolio.
Congratulations again, Kelsey and Luke, and I hope there's more in your group of friends that need a photographer. You guys rock and I want to keep shooting y'all!
I'm not sure John ever really got used to me pointing a camera at him, but to his credit, he never complained. Catherine, on the other hand, seemed to shine in the spotlight. Her smile just radiated.
Both the wedding and the reception were at the Wilds golf course in Prior Lake. We fought the wind the entire day but we got some good shots inside until it died down a bit. And despite a few minor audio technical problems, it was a very nice day.
Congratulations again, Catherine and John, and thanks for choosing me to be part of your day.
Wow! Talk about beautiful brides, Caroline was stunning. From her bright smile to her fantastic attitude, she made a beautiful bride. Oh, and Matt looked pretty good too, I guess.
I don't think I need to say too much about the day as I think the images in the video will speak for themselves, you can just see the love between these two. And be sure to watch for the black and white shot of all the bridesmaids up at the alter. Beautiful! Are any more of you getting married soon? Need a photographer?
Special thanks goes out to Melina from Camelot for 2nd shooting with me. We done good!
Congratulations again to you Matt and Caroline, and thanks for letting me be part of your day
New video of Jessalyn and Aaron. I shot their engagement session earlier this summer and after a little while Aaron really started getting into it. I think it helped prepare them for the wedding day as both were totally laid back and ready to get the big day started.
We had an unseasonable HOT day in Minneapolis that day, close to 95 degrees. We got some shots outside but tried to keep the wedding party from melting as best we could.
Aaron's groomsmen were quite the motley crew but were a blast to work with. And the ladies, nothing to complain about there, they were equally fun and much better looking than the guys. No offense guys.
I shot Chuck and Marianne's engagement session earlier this summer and I knew they going to be a fun couple to work with. Marianne's infectious smile was enough to win me over, and I'm sure it got Chuck's attention too!
We were blessed with a beautiful day even though the fall chill had started to set in. The ladies got a bit cold but they were good sports about it when we went outside for photos.
Congratulations again Chuck and Marianne. And thank you for letting me be part of your day.
New engagement session. Ok, not so new. I've been swamped lately (not to mention sick) and haven't updated the blog as often as I should.
I shot Tim and Danielle's engagement session a couple of weeks ago at the Rose Garden near Lake Harriet and at 50th and France in Edina. Both really cool places to shoot. We got the garden/park type photos plus the modern shots that I am leaning more towards these days.
Their wedding isn't until next July, but it's going to be a good one!! An old mansion in downtown Minneapolis. Plus, I shot their friends Colleen and John's wedding last summer, so I know that all of their friends are what we in the business call "Pretty People"! That's right, you know who you are!
I'm looking forward to it.
And as always, as a business that relies heavily on referrals, if you know of anyone who may need my photo services, or anyone who may know someone who does, please email or call me with their information and I will contact them directly. And because referrals are so important to my business, I will treat them with the utmost respect and courtesy.
Another beautiful wedding. Brittany and Tyler were married at the small chapel at the historic Fort Snelling in Minneapolis. It was a beautiful day. Warm enough for the ladies and cool enough for the guys. Perfect.
Kim and Hary live in Shanghai, China, but with their close ties to Minnesota, they planned their wedding here. Needless to say, their friends and families were glad to see them and be part of their day.
Events at the Carlson Towers are always nice, and this event was no exception. We were blessed with a beautiful day and everything went off without a glitch.
We got some great shots and I'm sure Kim and Hary will have way too many to choose from. Thanks again, Kim and Hary, for letting me share in your day.
This was a great wedding. Not so great weather, it rained all day, but all of the wedding party and family were fantastic. The ceremony was at St. Olaf's church in downtown Minneapolis. This is a beautiful church. It has a huge balcony that basically put me right over the top of the alter. This enabled me to get real close and get some great shots.
We stopped off at Calhoun Square on the way to the reception. The wedding party, after the ringing in their ears stopped (bum limo), had a drink at Figlio's and The Independant. Plus we got some great shots in between.
Then off to the Calhoun Beach Club. I've shot a couple weddings there and it's always beautiful. After some great toasts and a wonderful dinner, the dance fired up. And this group was ready to party!! I have way too many shots to include in this short video.
Thanks again, Karin and Brad, for letting me be part of your day.
Ok, this is going to be a fun wedding. With Marianne's infectious smile and Chuck's willingness to try anything (right, Chuck?), we should get some fantastic shots. I'll keep you posted! Get it? Posted?
Jason has been capturing your moments for the past 15 years.
Graduating from the University of MN - Duluth with a Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts, Jason opened a business in Milwaukee, WI focusing on sports photography. After 4 years of building a strong business, Jason realized the frustration of "commuting" back and forth across WI to visit family and friends. So reluctantly, Jason turned over the reigns to a colleague to explore other avenues.
After working as a part time photographer with family and children photography, and a full time job as a Graphic Designer, Jason assisted a friend shooting a wedding. Jason fell back in love with being behind the camera and found an excellent opportunity to become a lead photographer at a very busy wedding photography studio. He went on to shoot more than 25 weddings per summer while still working as an Art Director at a sporting goods company.
After 5 years and successfully creating many lasting memories for his clients, Jason wanted to explore the chance to once again run his own business. In 2007, Jason started building his business ideas into what is now known as Alexander Photo Services.
Wanting to explore several photographic avenues, Jason decided to create two distinct divisions of this business.
Alexander Weddings was created first to build a solid footing and Orange Apple Photo was developed later to specifically target future clients. While Alexander Weddings is the foundation of the business, knowing that producing quality images for high school seniors can only lead to future wedding clients.
In addition, an avenue that Jason is developing through Orange Apple is getting back to his roots and shooting high school sporting events. In doing so has developed a relationship with a local high school sports magazine called Vype.
Through Vype, Jason is allowed access to many more sporting events to connect with the next generation of clients. And with his knowledge in photography, Jason has been asked to shoot the past three covers for Vype with many more to come.
Please explore the many photos throughout this blog, and be sure to check out Jason's websites that show many more samples of his work.
Thank you for visiting and Jason hopes to have the opportunity to serve as your photographer in the future.