This was a great wedding. Not so great weather, it rained all day, but all of the wedding party and family were fantastic. The ceremony was at St. Olaf's church in downtown Minneapolis. This is a beautiful church. It has a huge balcony that basically put me right over the top of the alter. This enabled me to get real close and get some great shots.
We stopped off at Calhoun Square on the way to the reception. The wedding party, after the ringing in their ears stopped (bum limo), had a drink at Figlio's and The Independant. Plus we got some great shots in between.
Then off to the Calhoun Beach Club. I've shot a couple weddings there and it's always beautiful. After some great toasts and a wonderful dinner, the dance fired up. And this group was ready to party!! I have way too many shots to include in this short video.
Thanks again, Karin and Brad, for letting me be part of your day.

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