The driver by the way is some kid in his early 20's with midlength hair, talking with either a slur or slow southern drawl. The plates are from Georgia Tech University. The truck is a smaller Chevy S-10 with a bed cover. It was a nice truck, before last night.
The damage, thankfully, was to a tree right on the corner of our house. Not the house itself, he missed the house by about 6 inches. The tree is pretty big, 60 some ft tall and about a 12 to 16 inches wide. He hit it pretty square in the front of his truck.
Right about then a cop comes flying down the road. The cop asks the kid if he's been drinking and he said, "well, sortof, I mean yeah, but no." The cop asked, "No?" The kid responded with, "I was earlier but this has nothing do with that. I was just showing off, er, screwing around and lost control". The cop decides to do a field sobriety test as it was obvious the kid was on something. The cop also had a breathalizer and the kid blew over .10. So he was arrested for a DWI.
The neighbor across the street was awake at the time of the crash. She couldn't sleep and was watching TV right by where the accident happened. She looked out right after and saw a second guy jump out of the passenger side and start yelling at the driver. "Look what you did, what did you do? God dammit, what did you do?" He then took off between the houses. I never saw him.
So the neighbor guy and I are walking around checking out the damage and I start taking pictures for insurance as the crime scene crew shows up and starts taking their own photos. This freaks my wife out a bit as the kid is still in the cop car watching me take pictures. She doesn't want either of these kids coming back because they got in trouble. But I wanted photos for the insurance company if this tree needs to come down. It's right outside my daughters window and we don't want another big storm to come through and put it through the roof.
So after about an hour, it was all over. The kid was brought to jail, the crime scene crew wrapped it up, tow truck came and got the car. My wife and I are wide awake at 5 am and laying in bed. I guess fell back asleep for a little while, and I think my wife did too, but we had to be up at 7 for work and awake kids. Gonna be a long day.

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